Friday, November 20, 2009

When Desire Meets Opportunity

As many of you know, I have had a longstanding desire to travel to Africa and reach out to people with the hands of a nurse. While in nursing school I was able to travel to Ethiopia and dive into the culture by visiting homes and health care clinic. Just this past year I was able to go to Tanzania with Compassion International. Neither trip, however, allowed me to use my skills as a nurse. So, I thought in another couple of years I might be able to return and fulfill that dream.

But God's timeline is not mine and His ways are higher than mine. So one Sunday back in August I was in Colorado Springs visiting my dear friend Willi who went to Tanzania with me last year. Unbeknownst to me, a representative from HCJB Global was giving the sermon at church that day. As he concluded the service he mentioned the opportunity to go to Ghana on a medical missions trip with HCJB Global. Apprehensive about the cost of the trip as well as the difficulty it would present to be a part of this trip when I no longer lived in Colorado Springs, I kept from endulging in the idea. However, once the service was over, Willi grabbed my arm and convinced me that it was no accident I came to visit that day and that we were going back to Africa together!

After praying and asking that the way be clearly made open to me if He wanted me to go, I am now here at the end of November with an approved month off from work and the first team meeting over. It really has not yet set in that I will be able to work as a nurse in Africa for the first time! Desire has met opportunity.

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